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Steven W
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2023-11-12 15:57 »

ProblemChyld, I'm seeing something that looks off to me. Perhaps I'm just misunderstanding.

Examining the file that you download, 'U98SESP3.EXE', I'm seeing the following:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Well, if I extract the whole pack and look at INFEX.INI, (Option 7):

Under [Options]:

Code: Select all

7=0,0,0,Main Updates/System Core Files (Install Separately)

Code: Select all

Under [Files]:

Code: Select all

Perhaps I mistaken but it looks like you're installing the 'Main Updates' when you run U98SESP3.EXE when the intention was to wait until INFEX was running and it was selected.


2023-11-20 21:00 »

When attempting to install ,i get the error "Not a valid win32 Apllication"

System info:

Windows98 SE

CPU: intel pentium 4 2ghz
RAM: 256mb of pc133sdram
GPU: nvidia fx 5200 agp
HDD: 30gb ide hdd
CDR: cd-rom ide

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Steven W
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2023-11-29 02:22 »

Well, I found the site I used to get it from, but the download link is dead: ... e-plus-pdf

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Steven W
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2023-11-29 02:23 »

Oops, wrong spot.

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Steven W
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2023-11-29 02:46 »

Oh, yeah, V1c0, In addition to the AMDQCMD, USERQCMD options above (which you'll have to consider how to handle).

PC is version checking for ( and has it set up to say "This Service Pack is designed for Windows 98 Second Edition", if running on something other than 98SE.

I figure the version check is simple enough, don't ask me about the message.

TITLE = Unofficial Windows 98 Second Edition Service Pack 3


Code: Select all


This update is for Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222 (English).
This update is not from Microsoft. It is an unofficial compilation of Microsoft's update files and more. We highly recommend *BACKING UP* system(s) before installing this pack. Close all open programs before continuing.


Unofficial Windows 98 Second Edition Service Pack 3.x is an updater for the Windows 98 Second Edition produced and licensed by Microsoft Corporation. Use of Unofficial Second Edition Service Pack 3.x may invalidate any guarantee and or warranty expressed in your Windows End User License Agreement(s). Use of Unofficial Second Edition Service Pack 3.x does not supersede or provide any remedy for any guarantee or warranty that may be invalidated. All liabilities from use or misuse of Unofficial Second Edition Service Pack 3.x lies with the End User. This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the provider be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Any software in this pack is a copyrighted work of its respective owner(s). This package can be downloaded from this site and is only of use to those who already own Windows 98 Second Edition. Windows 98 Second Edition is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation and are used by Author in a non-trademark, descriptive sense only. 

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Steven W
Posts: 3007
Joined: 2013-08-10 22:40

2023-11-29 02:57 »

This may be helpful:

Code: Select all

F I L E V E R S I O N         3 , 6 6 , 0 , 0 
 P R O D U C T V E R S I O N   4 , 1 0 , 0 , 2 2 2 2 
 F I L E F L A G S M A S K     0 x 3 F 
 F I L E F L A G S             0 x 0 
 F I L E O S                   V O S _ N T _ W I N D O W S 3 2 
 F I L E T Y P E               V F T _ A P P 
 F I L E S U B T Y P E         0 x 0 
     B L O C K   " S t r i n g F i l e I n f o " 
         B L O C K   " 0 4 0 9 0 4 B 0 " 
             V A L U E   " C o m p a n y N a m e " ,               " G a p e / P R O B L E M C H Y L D   I n c . " 
             V A L U E   " F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n " ,       " S P 3   I n s t a l l e r " 
             V A L U E   " F i l e V e r s i o n " ,               " 3 . 6 6 " 
             V A L U E   " I n t e r n a l N a m e " ,             " U 9 8 S E S P 3 " 
             V A L U E   " L e g a l C o p y r i g h t " ,         " C o p y r i g h t   ©   P R O B L E M C H Y L D .   2 0 1 1 - 2 0 2 0 " 
             V A L U E   " O r i g i n a l F i l e n a m e " ,     " U 9 8 S E S P 3 . E X E " 
             V A L U E   " P r o d u c t N a m e " ,               " U n o f f i c i a l   W i n d o w s   9 8   S e c o n d   E d i t i o n   S e r v i c e   P a c k   3 " 
             V A L U E   " P r o d u c t V e r s i o n " ,         " 4 . 1 0 . 0 . 2 2 2 2 " 
     B L O C K   " V a r F i l e I n f o " 
         V A L U E   " T r a n s l a t i o n " ,   0 x 4 0 9 ,   1 2 0 0 

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2024-01-31 04:59 »

I've been attempting to install this recently and having a lot of troubles. I've closely read the instructions and I don't think I'm missing anything. Trying to install the core update OR directX on their own causes INFEX to sit minimised seemingly forever. This is on a stock install of Win98SE SP2 OEM. Can anyone offer any advice?

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2024-01-31 05:28 »

Ah an update! As mentioned a few pages back, it seems the 1emu VM fix for 3.66 breaks things at least for Dosbox-X which I'm using. 3.65 is currently installing fine.

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2024-01-31 05:47 »

Further update (I don't know if I can edit my posts?) - Whilst 3.65 installed fine, it made Win98 actively worse in a number of ways - icons going grey, file explorer not showing anything, audio stutter. Unfortunately it seems one or more patches aren't good for dosbox-X. I guess just FYI for anyone else on this path.

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2024-02-04 09:02 »

strich wrote:
2024-01-31 05:47
... (I don't know if I can edit my posts?) ...
Yes, sorry, you cannot edit posts in our forums. (Welcome aboard by the way.) :wave:

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