Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
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2013-11-08 17:19 »

As if we don't have enough foolish tiles coming out of our wazoo. So claustrophobic. So very much claustrophobic, oh those moronic tiles. ...and fools.

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2013-11-08 17:21 »

Meanwhile in xbone world:

Xbox One will be a paperweight without day one update.

Microsoft's has a serious issue when it comes to communication, as we saw with the severe backlash that arose after the company introduced some unique sharing features with the Xbox One, but limited the re-selling and sharing of physical discs. Because that message was poorly communicated, the company had to publicly reverse course and remove the digital sharing option and allow for used games to be shared/sold.

In an interview with Engadget, Microsoft stated that, "functionally, you will be able to do very little without taking the day one update". So, for those of you without an Internet connection, or if your ISP is offline, it sounds like your Xbox One will effectively be a paperweight.

The reason for this is that the firmware that ships with the Xbox One is not up to date, as they had to finalise the software for manufacturing. In order to update the console to the latest, stable firmware, the day one update is mandatory.

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2013-11-09 01:38 »

Windows Phone... for idiots. Those fucking tiles man... ugly ugly ugly... ugly... messy... claustrophobic. ::crazy::

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2013-11-10 03:00 »

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2013-11-13 09:18 »

I think the guy on the left in the white shirt should get off his derriere and instead of playing XBox, get on a damn treadmill! I don't even know if I want to watch that video; I am sure they're talking about how great it is!


2013-12-03 13:36 »

I really dislike Win 8. Why on earth would you create a touchpad system and interface for a PC?! For smart phones I can understand but for a PC? Lazy much? :geek: (yeah it is a financial thing, I know)

:idea: Create two different versions so that normal people can operate their computers the way they like to do, not what you "allow" them to do or should I say, what you allow them to play with, with those sucky front page tiles.


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Steven W
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2014-02-18 04:31 »

Oh dear God! I can't stop laughing:

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Steven W
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2014-02-18 04:50 »

You would've thought someone could have thought usernames through.

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2014-02-18 04:59 »



2014-02-18 05:06 »

You think those are funny? No no no, this one is much more fun:

Next Metal Gear Solid runs 1080p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One.

Konami has revealed that the PS4 version of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes will be the only one that runs at a full 1080 lines of vertical resolution on HDTVs, with Xbox One and last-generation players stuck at 720p resolution. Both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game will run at 60 frames per second, Konami said, while versions for the older PS3 and Xbox 360 will only run at 30 frames per second.

What a great deal! Not only Xbone is half as strong in GPU power as PS4, it is also $100 more expensive! Bonus points, it comes with pre-built spyware, Kinect and all! Now, only if they could toss in a copy of 1984 and a signed picture of Ballmer. :roll:

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