Shoot the breeze, anything goes.
I, user.

2014-04-09 09:06 »

Scorpius wrote:I will put down $10 that they will delete it in less than 24 hours...

I will be earning a cool $10 soon. :lol: 8-)

20 hours.PNG
20 hours.PNG (3.45 KiB) Viewed 6349 times


2014-04-09 09:18 »

Bad move from MS, but also good in other ways because hopefully it will get Windows to die an earlier death. Notice how they did this right after XP support ended? As if now users have nowhere to go and must bend over and get fucked some more. Fuck you Microsoft.

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2014-04-09 09:21 »

By the way, threads like these are the ones developers need to know about so they can post here without being silenced. Get the word out!


2014-04-09 09:39 »


I love your occupation (Vagina inspector) you dirty old coot! :D

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2014-04-09 14:25 »

Nice picture, and Thanks! :)

I think MS can't be as stupid as they may seem, even though they are still really stupid. They know Windows is a dying animal, and that power users will move to an open platform like Linux in time. Is the poor developer in a third world country going to pay MS for a fucking license to do something on their own machine? I'm reading lots of developer posts from those that are coding on Linux for Windows. So, the best way for Microsoft (in their minds) to squeeze the maximum amount of money out of Windows is to make side loading difficult. They know they're alienating developers left and right, but I think they have ran internal statistics gauging the different risks. They really need that 20-30% cut of app sales, especially when their store is shit. Windows is also far less expensive than it used to be, so that money has to be made up through other avenues. This is a double edged sword as the alienation could grow bigger than MS calculated, resulting in a total catastrophe. It doesn't make any long-term sense to alienate developers whilst the store is a piece of crap. And we all know that Win32 is headed for the slaughter house.

Microsoft, you do not fool me. What has Nutella done thus far in the sense of improvements? Nothing.


2014-04-09 14:43 »

I, user. wrote:I'm sorry but I just had to do this. :oops: Although, they most likely will delete that post very quickly, as they usually do, so here is a screenshot of it just in case.

You should have linked to the picture of the ass getting double fisted to really send home the message! :D


2014-04-09 14:58 »

How does this moron know you have a boss or are even at work? Does he have a camera on you? :lol:

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I, user.

2014-04-09 15:28 »

lol! He is an idiot.

I don't have a boss watching over me, he is a fool and a slave, hence, his slave mentality of "let Microsoft rule over his device".

I, user.

2014-04-09 15:30 »

I, user. wrote:
Scorpius wrote:I will put down $10 that they will delete it in less than 24 hours...

I will be earning a cool $10 soon. :lol: 8-)

The attachment 20 hours.PNG is no longer available

Yay! I'm rich!!!

Scorpius, I do expect you to pay! :twisted:

It is amazing that the thread lasted 24 hours. :mrgreen:

24 hours.PNG
24 hours.PNG (5.76 KiB) Viewed 6330 times


2014-04-09 15:39 »

You won fair and square.

I will email you and we will arrange the $10 transfer. ::thumbup::

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