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2014-05-10 00:37 »

Ah yeah, that was some cool thing back then.

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Steven W
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2014-05-10 02:49 »

That has to be one of the bravest acts I've ever seen.

I, user.

2014-05-12 15:23 »

East Ukraine referendum: 90% of voters support statehood of Donetsk People's Republic.

I hope no war follows this. :?

Almost 90 percent of voters in Ukraine's Donetsk Region said "yes" answering the referendum question whether they support the Act of state self-rule of the Donetsk People's Republic, Roman Lyagin, head of the republic's central electoral commission, said. The final results of the vote will be announced on May 12.

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2014-05-12 17:21 »

U.S. to conduct strategic bomber exercise.

he U.S. Strategic Command, which is in charge of waging nuclear war, will hold large-scale bomber exercises this week-days after Russia held what Moscow called "massive" war games simulating a U.S. and NATO nuclear attack.

Ten U.S. B-52 bombers and up to six B-2 strategic bombers will take part in the war games called "Global Lightning 14" from Monday through May 16, the command said in a statement late Sunday.

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Steven W
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2014-05-12 23:40 »

I ran across a post by Ralph Nader regarding Obama's reaction to "Putin's annexation of Crimea". While I don't think I'd call it Putin's annexation, he does raise some good points:

True, most Ukrainians and ethnic Tatars boycotted the referendum and there were obstacles to free speech. But even the fairest of referendums, under UN auspices, would have produced majority support for Russia's annexation.

The same is true of these other regions having or wanting to have referendums.

He points out some hypocrisy on the part of the United States telling others to obey international law, among which:

President Bush's criminal invasion and devastation of Iraq in 2003 violated international law and treaties initiated and signed by the United States (such as the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter). What about your executive branch's war on Libya, now still in chaos, which was neither constitutionally declared, nor authorized by Congressional appropriations?

What about the examples, Mr. President?

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2014-05-13 19:16 » ... 06631.html

Hunter Biden, the younger son of Vice President Joe Biden, will be joining Ukraine's largest private gas producer, the company announced in a statement

"Burisma's track record of innovations and industry leadership in the field of natural gas means that it can be a strong driver of a strong economy in Ukraine," Biden said in a statement. "As a new member of the Board, I believe that my assistance in consulting the Company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine."

Benefit the people of Ukraine! :lol: ... -holdings/


2014-06-03 00:21 »


Seconds before death:

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2014-06-03 00:32 »

Daaamn!!! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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Steven W
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2014-06-04 03:06 » ... a-17679771

The move comes in response to the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis when Western agencies were criticized for misjudging the dangers inherent in some new financial products.

They weren't misjudged, they were simply ignored. A bit of advice, Brazil, India and South Africa should be asked to join too.

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