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Steven W
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2014-05-15 17:57 »

Files in the VMM32 folder should override those in VMM32.vxd.

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Steven W
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2014-05-15 18:04 »

Maybe the Vcache fix is included in the VMM32.vxd file we got. Just thinking out loud again.

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Steven W
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2014-05-15 18:14 »

Where can you download the

98 Guy

2014-05-15 18:45 »

> Where can you download the


All the files are there. Click on small download button beside the "details" button.

For some reason I'm not able to see the actual download link - it's protected behind some script.

What does bsram9x do?

98 Guy

2014-05-15 19:03 »

So regarding Bs_ram9x_V102:

Setup of Win98SE with more than 1GB of Ram - new version (Bs_ram9x_V102)
In this version V1.02 can man between 128 MB and 4000 MB parameterized.
Thus, Benutzungsgößen > 1GB are possible and in conjunction with the VMM32.VXD VMM.VXD
slight reductions possible


Precise description, see;

You don't have permission to access /viewtopic.php on this server.

98 Guy

2014-05-15 20:08 »

Ok, see if this translation makes sense:


Post subject: Win98SE with lots of RAM / from 512 MB to 4 GB
Post Posted : Mon August 25, 2008 , 12:18
Location: Leipzig

Summary of problems with a lot of RAM (physical memory ) with Win98SE

Problem : RAM > 512 MB
DOS - applications refuse to work (due to insufficient memory)
Microsoft Remedy: entry MaxFileCache = xxxxxx in [ vcache ] in system.ini ( xxxx < = 524288 )
Effect : Helps stable

Problem : RAM > = 1GB
No more boats (even due to insufficient memory)
Microsoft Remedy: entry MaxPhysPage = xxxxxx in [386Enh] in system.ini (xxxx = must be ertestet / For each PC, otherwise / solutions between 512 MB - 1 GB)
Effect : helps to boot but very unstable. After some program calls Blue Screens / from physically existing 1.5 GB RAM -> no starting from Dos applications (16-bit programs) despite the entry MaxFileCache.

Patch Overview :

1 - enables the use of memory above 1GB (MaxPhysPage omitted)
2 - dynamic adjustment of Festplattencachgröße (MaxFileCache omitted)
3 - limits the Ram as MaxPhysPage However, the system remains stable here. Helps Neuinstallatien and setups are rewriting the vmm32.vxd .

For Win98SE there is a trick to use the German version also available with up to 4 GB of memory. (other versions engl. etc. no test and no warranty). To this end, only two files are needed. The two files are located and path in the The Vmm32.vxd as file already exists and is vmm.vxd not yet exist as a file. In both files, only a few bytes of code compared to the original Microsoft have been changed. It is assured that the patch works great and does not contain any malicious code , as well as the available physical RAM is used as the main memory. How to solve?

1) Download
2) the two files as they are packed in the zip in the directory to extract to C.
3) You should be system.ini under [386Enh] to select "MaxPhysPage = xxxxx" he who must of course be still disabled.
4) Reboot -> thats it

And who is still an entry in the survey can be found here leaves after installation in the forum under "Win9x -> Software - > Rat & Tat - > Tips & Tricks" : D thank you.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
! Do so could result in the following error message - not bad , so please read !
Special Info for vmm32.vxd:

In this vmm32.vxd all the VXD's are in it, which are then loaded at startup in the memory, individually up to what is in the folder (C:WINDOWSSYSTEMVMM32) are present. This Vmm32 has been modified for the Ramnutzung. The source was a Vmm32 "German installation without Accessibility" This is missing in this vmm32.vxd the "enable.vxd" which is responsible for Accessibility (input help = eyesight and hearing impaired). If one has in his Windows installation in the setup so with ticked appears after overwrite the old vmm32.vxd at every boot the following message: (image). If this error occurs, you should uninstall the input help and he's gone.

Info :

The VMM32.VXD file in the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM is already there -> overwrite only .
The VMM.VXD file in the C:WINDOWSSYSTEMVMM32 does not exist -> (It was from the VMM32.VXD generated)
I recommend when using the Vmm32sed: (tested as the best constellation with 2GB of physical RAM)

Entry in the autoexec.bat: "C:XMSBS_RAM9X.EXE /max=1900 /r" -> Basic see description bs_ram9x
Virtual Memory: "Minimum = Maximum = 2047" and on an extra drive
ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 0
Windows stores here very well indeed and only if the free RAM 200 MB below / at ConservativeSwapfileUsage = 1 outsourcing comes too late and a message "not enough memory" without major outsourcing "

When you reinstall or a later setup Win98SE with the "vmm32.vxd" is rewritten, the "" does not help . This happens, for example, if you see "Control Panel -> Windows Setup - > Software" by ticking adds a new feature of a field. So it is good if you have the bs_ram9x.exe provided with a rem in his autoexec.bat ready. In addition, the not for other languages and also for other Win9x versions (95/ 98 / ME) is suitable.

NEW! : Also improves properties of the revised VMM su

From 1 GB Ram it can and more than 1 GB of Ram it is guaranteed to be a boot problem. The following error message:

Insufficient memory to initialize Windows. Quit one or more memory-resident programs, remove unnecessary Utilities from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and restart your computer.

If a "VMM32.VXD" created, you can overwrite the file so afterwards. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the memory when reinstalling physically to 512 MB. This may already be problems if you only have a 1 GB bar or even a 2 GB bar.

To get around this problem simply calls before the setup on the BS_RAM9X.EXE and the memory is automatically reduced.
If you want to be sure and the whole still want to have message visually, you call it like so: "BS_RAM9X.EXE /max=500 /ra"

For more detailed explanations in the bs_ram9x.txt which is in the zip with. Before the second boot process, you can then select "C:max=/path-of-Bs_ram9xExe BS_RAM9X.EXE /500 ra" autoexec.bat enter in the. If the setup is complete and you have copied the two new VMM to the appropriate paths, one prescribes the entry in the autoexec.bat, just a rem in front and to use from the moment its completely installed RAM.

When RAM > 768 MB and full Rambenutzung by the VMM it comes to problems with the Office Assistant and the TTS engine (text -to-speech ) remains silent. Substituting the BS_RAM9X.exe still a by Ram reduced by about 100 MB, everything is functional again. With 2 GB of RAM, this would be the final entry: "C:path-of-Bs_ram9xExeBS_RAM9X.EXE /max=1900 /r"

If you have more than 512MB physical RAM, one such entry or with smaller values in the system.ini must make in Win98.

MaxFileCache = 523264

The reason is as follows:
Vcache reserved when Windows starts up as much memory addresses in the system arena called to fully utilize his maximum cache of up to 800MB as needed (3-4 GB).

A DOS program (16-bit application) even the MS DOS command prompt that is running in the so-called viertuellen machine mode of the CPU. It then gets assigned its own memory area of the system area. Is the Ram already reserved for the vcache it comes to the well-known message. "Out of memory ... "

A customized VCACHE.VXD (Win98SE German version) eliminates the need to rumexerimentieren with any numerical values to the entry "MaxFileCache".

The VCACHE.VXD file belongs to folder C:WINDOWSSYSTEMVMM32 and is not yet available. If they put it there it will be used at the start of Win and nonexistent loaded into memory in the vmm32.vxd (internal)

How to solve?

1) Download
2) as it is packed in the zip in the directory Extract the file to C Vcache.vxd.
3) entry MaxFileCache = xxxxxx in [vcache] in disable system.ini.

---------- Detailed additional information - only for programmers to know the hex ---
I got me to vcache looked at times more closely in assembler after many tests (with different cache sizes). The vcache.vxd always works in MB The value of the one is entering into Maxfilechache in MB converted 524288 results 0x0200 [in hex]) or 512 MB. The original value in the file is 0x0320 (800MB) is available starting with the low-order part (Intel Typical) Various modified sizes have a second effect to the value 0x0200 (512MB) it does not happen so properly with the drive down in the file offset 0x5D25 located the one in use cache memory. The cache utilization must in fact be reduced when new Progs need storage and available RAM is scarce. From 0x1FF it adapts nicely to dynamic, the more memory you request the smaller the cache. This is especially important for 16bit applications otherwise the above message comes. The value MaxFileCache = 523264 results in the 0x01FF. Somehow seems to generate tion problem, the next bit.
--------- End detailed additional info ----------------- -----------------------------

At least that is justifiable with the Sytemmonitor so. But he has also some (I hope only textual) problems.

Lamp222 Best regards and good luck
Last as re-marked by lamp222 on Mon August 25, 2008

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Steven W
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2014-05-15 20:15 »

I've got the file, thanks! ***I think*** BS_ram is a ram disk program that can make a drive out of memory and Windows will see it as a drive, not as memory. I don't think it'll be necessary for our purposes, but I am also wondering if they files we got would work with much more than 3 GB well.

***Tried posting at the same time you did 98 GUY will read more thoroughly in a bit!***

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Steven W
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2014-05-15 20:39 »

Okay, so he's saying there are 3 different solutions....

1. Use the files in which enables the use of memory above 1GB without a MaxPhysPage entry in system.ini

2. The file allows dynamic adjustment of Festplattencachgröße (DiskCacheSize) without MaxFileCache entry (*no mention of anything about maximum memory*).

3. Use BS_ram, I'm assuming to eat up RAM that Windows 98 SE can't use natively.


2014-05-16 00:53 »

Here it is. Patcher for VMM.VXD English version. This working only if you have original file from original Win98Se disk!



But. Be warned! Do it at your own risk! If you fuck up something do not blame me for that!

Q:How to patch VMM.VXD?
A:Put your original Windows 98 Se (eng) in CD/DVD drive, start MS-DOS Prompt and type:
(If your sys partition is C: and CD/DVD drive is D: )
cd D:win98
extract /l C: vmm32.vxd
rename C:vmm32.vxd vmm.vxd

Extract "G-VMM" to C:Start G-VMM Patcher.exe and click on button "Patch it".

Copy vmm.vxd to C:WindowsSystemVMM32

That's all.

This is one part of patch, second file requires more detailed investigation...

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Steven W
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2014-05-16 00:59 »

Congrats! Can boot as is(with over 1 GB), or have to wait for second part? Either way, thank you!

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