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Steven W
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2014-05-03 07:01 »

Has anyone ever played with this tool? It can extract the individual files for VMM32.vxd on 9x and you can poke around with a hex editor. Unfortunately I'm not very proficient with a hex editor. Right at the moment V86mmgr.vxd has my attention.

It is freeware for non-commercial use:


This software may NOT be distributed or bundled with any product
that is sold for commercial profit without the explict permission
of the author...


This tool was primarily designed to extract Windows Virtual Device
Drivers (VxDs) from W3 (WIN386.EXE) & W4 (VMM32.VXD) format archive
files. The W4 format is unique to Windows '95 and is a compressed W3
image, the compression algorithm is the same as that used by DoubleSpace
(aka DriveSpace) and MRCI (Microsoft's Realtime Compression Interface),
and uses a Lempel Ziv (LZ) technique to replace repeating data patterns.
This tool can also unpack a W4 file so that tools like Andrew Schulman's
W3MAP can work as they did with Windows 3.xx. Unpacking the file will
also allow you to examine the file with regular hex editors. Unpacked
files will typically take up far more space, my copy of VMM32.VXD went
from 0.7MB to 2.0MB. A temporary file is created during pack/unpack
operations, so this program should be run from the directory where the
W3/W4 file resides. Files can be packed, or repacked, using this tool.
I have been able to achieve higher compression ratios than Microsoft's
DEVLIB tool by finding the best match in the history buffer rather than
just a good one. Compression speeds are markedly slower than DEVLIB,
this is because I'm lazy and wrote this tool in C, not highly optimized
assembler as Microsoft did, and not because I'm an Electronics Engineer!

If you found this tool to be mildly useful or entertaining please send
me some Email, positive feedback is always good to get and makes writing
FREEWARE worth while. If you didn't like this tool, discard it, and keep
your sentiments to yourself.

Clive Turvey, October 7, 1996.
DeKalb, IL., USA & Southampton, ENGLAND.

I don't know if there were any newer version ever put out. Seems to work on 98 SE and say it can repack the files too. Since it's freeware, perhaps we could host the file here. ???

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2014-05-03 12:45 »

If it's a freeware, I don't see any issues with caching it in here? Feel free to upload it in here. Although, if they have any Web sites or license attached to it, you should attach all of those as well.

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Steven W
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2014-05-03 13:04 »
(18.94 KiB) Downloaded 1047 times

This is the version I downloaded, it came as a zip archive.

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2014-05-03 14:02 »

VXDLIB.DOC - (Replace " -AT- " with "@" for the email addresses) wrote:FREEWARE:

This software may NOT be distributed or bundled with any product
that is sold for commercial profit without the explict permission
of the author. In cases where the author has consented, the PKUNZIP(tm)
authentication message which normally reads :

Authentic files Verified! # EYC098
Tenth Planet Software International

will additionally indicate the commercial entity to which permission
has been granted. If authentication is not present, please contact
the author to obtain a bona fide copy.


The author hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software,
whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The author will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential, indirect or similar damages due to loss of data or any
other reason, even if the author or an agent of the author has been
advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall the
author's liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for
the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person
using the software bears all risk as to the quality and performance
of the software.


This tool was primarily designed to extract Windows Virtual Device
Drivers (VxDs) from W3 (WIN386.EXE) & W4 (VMM32.VXD) format archive
files. The W4 format is unique to Windows '95 and is a compressed W3
image, the compression algorithm is the same as that used by DoubleSpace
(aka DriveSpace) and MRCI (Microsoft's Realtime Compression Interface),
and uses a Lempel Ziv (LZ) technique to replace repeating data patterns.
This tool can also unpack a W4 file so that tools like Andrew Schulman's
W3MAP can work as they did with Windows 3.xx. Unpacking the file will
also allow you to examine the file with regular hex editors. Unpacked
files will typically take up far more space, my copy of VMM32.VXD went
from 0.7MB to 2.0MB. A temporary file is created during pack/unpack
operations, so this program should be run from the directory where the
W3/W4 file resides. Files can be packed, or repacked, using this tool.
I have been able to achieve higher compression ratios than Microsoft's
DEVLIB tool by finding the best match in the history buffer rather than
just a good one. Compression speeds are markedly slower than DEVLIB,
this is because I'm lazy and wrote this tool in C, not highly optimized
assembler as Microsoft did, and not because I'm an Electronics Engineer!

If you found this tool to be mildly useful or entertaining please send
me some Email, positive feedback is always good to get and makes writing
FREEWARE worth while. If you didn't like this tool, discard it, and keep
your sentiments to yourself.

Clive Turvey, October 7, 1996.
DeKalb, IL., USA & Southampton, ENGLAND.

Email : 74011.1732 -AT-
: clive -AT-



VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

==== === This FREEWARE product was written by Clive
\ / th Turvey, an English Electronics Engineer.
\ /
\ / Planet It is designed to replace the DEVLIB utility
\/ Software provided by Microsoft in the Win95 DDK.
/\ International
/ \ If you like the software, or find a problem
/ \ CIS 74011,1732 post some Email to 74011.1732 -AT-
/ === ====

Usage : VxDLIB <-l[ist]> <W3/W4 file>
VxDLIB <-d[ump]> <W3/W4 file>
VxDLIB <-p[ack]> <W3/W4 file>
VxDLIB <-u[npack]> <W4 file>
VxDLIB <-e[xtract]> <W3/W4 file> <VxD>

Example of list command, W4 files will be decompressed into a temporary W3
file first.


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete

Listing VxDLIB.$$$

42 total vxd(s)


Example of dump command, W4 files will be decompressed into a temporary W3
file first.


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete

Dumping VxDLIB.$$$

VMM : LE header offset 14400, size 8E55
VDD : LE header offset 65000, size 18F6
VFLATD : LE header offset 78000, size 38A
VMOUSE : LE header offset 7A000, size D55
VSHARE : LE header offset 83000, size 5C3
VWIN32 : LE header offset 87000, size 1136
VFBACKUP : LE header offset 95000, size 711
VCOMM : LE header offset 99000, size 8B7
COMBUFF : LE header offset A2000, size 27B
VCD : LE header offset A5000, size 6EB
VPD : LE header offset AB000, size 392
IFSMGR : LE header offset B1000, size 37EE
IOS : LE header offset DA000, size 177C
SPOOLER : LE header offset EB000, size 60E
VFAT : LE header offset F2000, size DB3
VCACHE : LE header offset 101000, size 5F2
VCOND : LE header offset 106000, size 9E8
VCDFSD : LE header offset 114000, size 343
INT13 : LE header offset 11A000, size 356
VXDLDR : LE header offset 11D000, size 52F
VDEF : LE header offset 126000, size 20D
DYNAPAGE : LE header offset 129000, size 45B
CONFIGMG : LE header offset 130000, size 181A
EBIOS : LE header offset 146000, size 225
VMD : LE header offset 14B000, size 305
DOSNET : LE header offset 14E000, size 259
VPICD : LE header offset 152000, size DE6
VTD : LE header offset 15E000, size 585
REBOOT : LE header offset 166000, size 367
VDMAD : LE header offset 16C000, size C32
VSD : LE header offset 177000, size 1C0
V86MMGR : LE header offset 179000, size 1424
PAGESWAP : LE header offset 191000, size 1CF
DOSMGR : LE header offset 195000, size 18D0
VMPOLL : LE header offset 1B0000, size 3FD
SHELL : LE header offset 1B8000, size 1164
PARITY : LE header offset 1CC000, size 198
BIOSXLAT : LE header offset 1CF000, size 21D
VMCPD : LE header offset 1D4000, size 2F0
VTDAPI : LE header offset 1D8000, size 385
PERF : LE header offset 1DD000, size 4F7
VKD : LE header offset 1E3000, size C27
42 total vxd(s)


Example of pack command, W4 files will be decompressed into a temporary W3
file first and then recompressed. The compression algorithm was written to
pack the file as tightly as possible, so the resultant file will be smaller
than that created by Microsoft's DEVLIB utility.


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete

Packing VxDLIB.$$$ to VMM32.VXD
100% complete

Size of library: 2031616
Size of compressible portion: 1949696
Size of chunk map: 952
New size of compressible portion: 660607 (33% of original)
New size of library: 743495 (36% of original)


Example of the unpack command, W4 files will be decompressed into a W3 file
of the same name via a temporary file that is renamed to match the original
after the original is deleted. The W3 file can then be examined with tools
like W3MAP.


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete


Example of extract command, W4 files will be decompressed into a temporary W3
file first and then the specified VxD will be extracted. The extracted VxD
can then be examined by the likes of V Communications' Sourcer. Multiple VxDs
can be extracted using wildcards, like V?D, VC* or V?O*.


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete

Extracting VMM.VXD from VxDLIB.$$$

VMM.VXD 00014400 00065000 00050C00


VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking VMM32.VXD to VxDLIB.$$$
100% complete

Extracting V?O*.VXD from VxDLIB.$$$

VMOUSE.VXD 0007A000 00083000 00009000
VCOMM.VXD 00099000 000A2000 00009000
VCOND.VXD 00106000 00114000 0000E000



Technical Stuff:

Wx VxD Library EXE Header

00h ┌──────────────────┐ <──┐
│ DOS 2 Compatible │ │
│ EXE Header │ │
1Ch ├──────────────────┤ │
│ unused │ │
├──────────────────┤ │
3Ch │ Offset to │ ├── VMM32 DOS Portion
│ Wx VxD Library │ │
│ EXE Header │ │
40h ├──────────────────┤ │
│ VMM32 DOS Stub │ │
│ Loader Program │ │
│ Reloc. Table │ │
└──────────────────┘ <──┘

xxh ┌──────────────────┐ <──┐
│ W3 Header │ │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ VxD Table │ │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ First VxD │ │
│ Linear Executable│ ├── W3 VxD Library
├──────────────────┤ │
.... │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ Final VxD │ │
│ Linear Executable│ │
└──────────────────┘ <──┘


xxh ┌──────────────────┐ <──┐
│ W4 Header │ │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ Chunk Table │ │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ First Compressed │ │
│ Chunk │ ├── W4 VxD Library
├──────────────────┤ │
.... │
├──────────────────┤ │
│ Final Compressed │ │
│ Chunk │ │
└──────────────────┘ <──┘

W3 Header

00h │ 'W' '3' │OS-Lo OS-Hi│
04h │ VxD Count │ - 0 - │
08h │ - 0 - │ - 0 - │
0Ch │ - 0 - │ - 0 - │
10h │ VxD #1 Name padded to 8 bytes with spaces │
18h │ VxD #1 LE File Offset │
1Ch │ VxD #1 LE Header Size │
10h │ VxD #2 Name padded to 8 bytes with spaces │
18h │ VxD #2 LE File Offset │
1Ch │ VxD #2 LE Header Size │
xxh │ VxD #x Name padded to 8 bytes with spaces │
│ VxD #x LE File Offset │
│ VxD #x LE Header Size │

W4 Header

00h │ 'W' '4' │OS-Lo OS-Hi│
04h │ Chunk Size│Chunk Count│
08h │ 'D' 'S' │ - 0 - │
0Ch │ - 0 - │ - 0 - │
10h │ Chunk #1 File Offset │
14h │ Chunk #2 File Offset │
xxh │ Chunk #x File Offset │
Chunk #1 │ Compressed Chunk #1 │
│ │
Chunk #2 │ Compressed Chunk #2 │
│ │
Chunk #x │ Compressed Chunk #x │
│ │

OS : Indicated the Windows version, 0x0400, Windows 4.0

Chunk Size : This WORD defines the size of the chunks. The loader expects
the chunk size to be 8K. This is much like the concept of a disk cluster.
I originally called chunks, clusters until I found that Microsoft refers
to them as chunks in DEVLIB (Win95 DDK).

Chunk Count : This WORD defines the number of chunks contained in the file.
The loader verifies this is less than 1024

Chunk # File Offset : This DWORD defines an absolute file offset from the
beginning of the EXE file to the start of the compressed chunk, the loader
expects the chunks are consecutive order, the size of the final chunk is
deterined using the file length

The first Compressed chunk follows immediately after the last Chunk # File
Offset entry.

Data encoded as either a Raw Byte or Depth usually followed by Count, a depth
of 0 and 4415 are special cases which require no count component. The depth of
0 indicates the end of the compressed chunk, and a depth of 4415 defines a 512
byte boundary has been reached, the first byte is not counted as a 512 byte


│a b c d e f g 0 1│ Raw 1abcdefg, No Depth or Count
│a b c d e f g 1 0│ Raw 0abcdefg, No Depth or Count

Depth or

│0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0│ Quit, No Count
│ Count │a b c d e f 0 0│ abcdef (1..63)
│ Count │a b c d e f g h 0 1 1│ 64 + abcdefgh (64..319)
│ Count │a b c d e f g h i j k m 1 1 1│ 320 + abcdefghijkm (320..4414)
│1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1│ Sector Break, No Count


│1│ 2
│a 1 0│ 3 + a (3..4)
│a b 1 0 0│ 5 + ab (5..8)
│a b c 1 0 0 0│ 9 + abc (9..16)
│a b c d 1 0 0 0 0│ 17 + abcd (17..32)
│a b c d e 1 0 0 0 0 0│ 33 + abcde (33..64)
│a b c d e f 1 0 0 0 0 0 0│ 65 + abcdef (65..128)
│a b c d e f g 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0│ 129 + abcdefg (129..256)
│a b c d e f g h 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0│ 257 + abcdefgh (257..512)
│0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0│ Quit - Illegal Encoding


I have finished writing Windows Source Version 3, which is now available
from V Communications Inc.

What is Windows Source?

Windows Source is an add-on to V Communications' Sourcer disassembler
which preprocesses executable, dynamic link library, device drivers and
VxD files for Windows 3.x, Windows '95 & Windows NT. It also provides
support for OS/2 1.x, 2.x & Warp.

Where possible symbolic debug information included in separate .SYM,
.DBG files, or included in Codeview or COFF debugging sections.

Windows Source Web Page :


For more information about V Communications software :

Sourcer, Bios Preprocessor, Windows Source,

V Communications, Inc., 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd.,
Suite 120, San Jose, CA 95129-9944.

Orders: 800-648-8266 (USA & Canada)
Phone : 408-296-4224
Fax : 408-296-4441
BBS : 408-296-5334
Email : sales -AT-

These tools are highly recommended, be sure to let them know Clive Turvey
sent you.


Andrew Schulman's Unauthorized Windows 95 updates along with this software
can be found at :

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Steven W
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Joined: 2013-08-10 22:40

2014-05-03 22:31 »

Looks like VMM.vxd is where all the memory management takes place.

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2014-05-18 00:33 »

I rebuilt my VMM32.VXD with all of the updates from SP3. I also use 98lite and strip out most options. My system had a small increase in speed with the compressed VXD file. Now all we need is someone to patch the VMM.VXD 4.10.2226 hotfix/update file. Some machines will definitely have different files inside the VMM32.VXD. Thanks guys :D

VXDREBUILD..jpg (194.08 KiB) Viewed 20032 times

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Steven W
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2014-05-18 01:22 »

PROBLEMCHYLD, you might want to be aware of some other tools too.

Search for the text "3 useful tools" to read about them. One of the tools is VxDLIB.

Direct link to download:

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2014-05-19 11:46 »

Thanks, I got it smaller down to 1.12mb. I have an issue, I have 2 VMM.VXD files inside my VMM32.VXD

Code: Select all

c:Temp>VXDLIB.EXE -l vmm32.vxd

VxDLIB v1.01 (c) Copyright Tenth Planet Software Intl., C Turvey 1995-1996.
                           All rights reserved. Non-Commercial use only.

Unpacking vmm32.vxd to VxDLIB.$$$

Listing VxDLIB.$$$

  COMBUFF   VCD       VPD       SPOOLER   UDF       VFAT      VCACHE
  NTKERN    EBIOS     VMD       DOSNET    VPICD     VTD       REBOOT
  MTRR      IFSMGR    IOS       VMM
 46 total vxd(s)


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Posts: 42
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2014-05-26 18:51 »

There was a later (hotfix) version of VMM.VXD issued to fix a problem when used with certain specific hardware,
(although the underlaying fault was probably in the vxd file).
(I mention because there is no mention in the SP changelog of VMM.VXD, or the MS 'Q' or 'KB' number 254087).

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Steven W
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2014-05-26 22:02 »

Certainly good to know if you have that hardware! :thumbup:

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