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Joined: 2013-02-25 18:36

2013-06-24 22:52 »

"Adblock Detected", um... how about fuck off? Both the message AND the advertisements are foolish.

I just saw this message on some random Web site showing funny GIFs. You know, the kind of Web site which you visit maybe twice in your entire life.

Adblock Detected - It has been detected that you are blocking advertisements on this website. You are free to do so and I will not try to stop you. Just know that, although you are clearly not interested in clicking any of the advertisements on this website, effortlessly viewing them has a large impact on the amount of revenue that is gained from them; revenue that goes towards keeping this website online. The advertisements are as harmless and unobtrusive as the text you are reading right now. Simply putting this website on your white list would make all the difference.

adblocklol.png (7.77 KiB) Viewed 4659 times

Now, I don't have AdBlock but I do kill javascript on all Web sites except those which I use often. Various reasons for doing so. Security and privacy are two most important ones. A third reason is that I got many many many MANY tabs open and if all of them have javascript enabled, even my Core i7-3820 3.60GHz with 32GB of RAM is brought to its knees.

I have seen many Web sites cry and nag a lot about this whole issue "please don't block our ads". You know what I think of it? Blocking advertisement is free market at work. If the advertisements were not obtrusive, did not track you, did not eat 90% of your CPU (and that also means higher electricity bills), did not distracted you with sound and animations, did not cut the entire site or the text you are trying to read, the users would not have blocked them.

In short, they can all fuck off.

Here is a nice foolish Web site fool full of advertisement:

T0Odc.jpg (658.32 KiB) Viewed 4659 times

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