Shoot the breeze, anything goes.
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2014-06-09 01:43 »

We are going to take a snapshot of the server some time this week. Expect a 30 to 40 minutes downtime.

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2014-06-09 15:55 »

If you press F5, you will see an odd green box to the right. Don't panic.

It's just me fiddling with the live Web site. usual. :mrgreen: :oops:

green box.PNG
green box.PNG (338.22 KiB) Viewed 16136 times

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2014-06-17 13:33 »

HAHAHA... :lol: :lol: :lol: I just saw a small "bug" in the "Unread posts" function. It showed my unread posts, not the active user's unread posts!

I forgot to alter the test line which was for myself:

Code: Select all

$sqlparams_unread = array(61, 61, 61);


Code: Select all

$sqlparams_unread = array($_userid, $_userid, $_userid);

Sorry! :oops: It's fixed now. That function should work much better now! :mrgreen:

unread posts.PNG
unread posts.PNG (262 KiB) Viewed 16119 times

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2014-06-20 16:51 »

I'm sorry. It did happen again and I have no idea why! The database goes into recovery mode. All the other databases are just fine, however. The settings and everything else is also similar to the other databases on the same server.

One guess is that the server might be too slow to handle those times we have heavy load on it and the database perhaps gets "confused"? That's my best guess so far. I know for a fact that disk operations are very slow on this server.

We could make the server "faster" by choosing a more expensive plan (it's a virtual server) but well, it already costs almost €60 a month so I guess we'll have to live with it for a while longer.

Who knows, maybe one of us will win the lottery. :oops:

wtf mssql recovery pending.png
wtf mssql recovery pending.png (39.17 KiB) Viewed 16100 times

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2014-06-23 02:11 »

Sorry, rebooted the server. Messed the backup up a bit. :oops: :mrgreen:

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2014-06-23 23:12 »

:!: Attention! :!:

There is a small bug in the permission rules of phpBB. Due to the special setup which we have, using the same database for two different domain names, this bug may appear at random from time to time.

Do not panic or get angry if your access is removed from a section, if you cannot post or read a section. This is just a bug and when it happens, we must manually find and correct it whenever it happens. Yes, every time!

If it happens to you, keep calm, just report it in here and we will take care of it. :relaxed:

Luckily, this bug appears very rarely.


2014-06-24 21:12 »

Can someone be so kind as to tell me how I can upload an avatar and a signature for this forum.

If you can just give me the links telling me the pixel and file-size limits and where to go to upload the graphics, I can take it from there, I think.

Many Thanks,

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2014-06-24 22:47 »


See the image below. It will explain how to upload an avatar.

If you need further assistance, please use this thread; "Help and support ( )".

Ps. Please check your email in the coming days for our varification email as well. People who fail to reply to our verification email will get their account deleted.

Thank you.

uploading an avatar.png
uploading an avatar.png (309.52 KiB) Viewed 16064 times

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2014-06-24 22:52 »

By the way, Larry, if the upload fails, try login to the domain and upload from there. Your login information works over there too, same id/password. We have a weird and special setup here. We use the same database for two different domains so some stuff are a little buggy from time to time. :problem:

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2014-06-25 03:11 »

We had a small server downtime, installed service pack on our SQL servers. :!:

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