Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
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2013-04-15 08:35 »

Where do you even begin when a giant corporation with huge and almost unlimited resources produces... THIS:

win8desktop.png (387.84 KiB) Viewed 11409 times

biz-clown.jpg (25.5 KiB) Viewed 11409 times


2013-08-24 23:03 »

I must say, I'v always been baffled by the uncomparable stupidity of w8's Start Menu...
The most stupid thing in computer history... and by far!

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2013-08-25 13:48 »

Hah! Yeah, you might also like this thread: Windows 8 explained with one picture. :lol:


2013-08-27 12:20 »

Speaking of that foolish Start Screen, the Metrotards have the nerve to call WinXP "Fisher-Price". Dumbasses.

http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/155290- ... try1047896

w6WQn1i.jpg (165.07 KiB) Viewed 11276 times

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2013-08-27 23:03 »

Every time I see this hideous thing, I shake my head.

clipboard01fsfd434355422543.jpg (32.25 KiB) Viewed 11269 times

Windows 8.png
Windows 8.png (725.3 KiB) Viewed 11266 times


2013-08-28 04:38 »

She is Dressed To Kill.

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Steven W
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2013-09-08 02:35 »

I know it's dated, but not a lot has changed:

http://www.somethingawful.com/news/wind ... pressions/

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2013-10-18 02:56 »

So... just "upgraded" to Windows 8.1. Same piece of turd as Windows 8.0. Difference is, I'm more annoyed by it. It has a start BUTTON but not the start MENU so it just eats my screen real estate.

I remember a fun quote back from 2012...

jwcalla | Smack-Fu Master, in training Thu May 24, 2012 3:53 pm wrote:Microsoft pretty much owns the desktop market at this point, so they could go as far as demand that developers eat a turd before allowing software on their platform, and we'd be right here with a fork, knife and salt shaker ready to go.

Do I see things changing? Probably not.

He might have been right. Time will tell I suppose. Can't wait to try SteamOS. That's for sure.

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2013-10-18 15:52 »

SteamOS vs Steaming Pile OS


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