Have you ever found something really badly designed? Something which obscurity of its functions makes it hard to understand its use? Something almost unusable to a point it would drive you mad using it too often? Perhaps, a fool's design? Then you have come to the right place. Post your findings here and help making the world a saner place.
I, user.

2013-08-28 18:34 »

Hi all!

An Internet friend of mine from Iran showed me a link a while back. I saved the pictures from the link. According to him, it is not about being poor. It's about the electrician being a fool. :P These images will give you nightmares. :lol:

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TehranBazaarWiring9.JPG (101.24 KiB) Viewed 7294 times

TehranBazaarWiring10.JPG (106.58 KiB) Viewed 7294 times

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2013-08-28 19:11 »



2013-08-29 01:53 »

Reminds me of some pictures from around 1880 when wiring of NYC began.

I was gonna try and find some but I see that Google has royally fucked up Google Images with no way to change it back. Anyone else notice this?

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2013-08-29 02:03 »

I use "NoScript" in FireFox and kill the JavaScript for image search, otherwise it would be impossible to use it. With JavaScript enabled, it's a completely horrific experience. Same goes with their search, JavaScript is not welcome there.

Used to use Opera but seeing how they fucked it all up with Opera 15+, I decided to jump ship very quickly. I have no time for their silly corporate games to mess with my browsing experience. Speaking of that, I should post an article on how to make FireFox kind'a sort'a work the way Opera does. At least for me. It took many extensions to make it feel like Opera but I had no choice. To hell with them now.

EDIT: If you have not yet tried the latest Opera, you should. It will make you cry. :?


2013-08-29 03:36 »

But can you see the difference in Google images today from a few days back? Rather than dense pages full of tightly packed images they are now sparse captioned tumbnails a few to a page. Clicking on one blasts away the current page of course whereas before clicking on one enlarged it and kept your place. As usual, Google has no real options displayed and no mention of why.

Opera .... using 11 mostly because I haven't had time to setup the version 12 directory yet ( I have directories back to v2 ) and port all the settings and whatnot. I will do this before I even think of using version 15.

If Opera is using Chrome methodology then I expect it will also follow Chrome's insane structure of splatting all over WindowsSystem32Config with a huge subtree of history and other crap in the single most important folder in Windows. I hate that. I really don't think Google programmers are very careful in general, and they pioneered the chromeless flat shit that Microsoft is in the process of stealing for itself.

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2013-08-29 03:45 »

I don't see any change in Google image search yet. Perhaps something new which has not been loaded to all of their servers. Doesn't sound too good though.

Opera... you MUST test Opera 15.x/16.x. You just have to see it!!! They have removed EVERYTHING!!! Even "Paste & Go" was gone!!! When I installed Opera 15.x, the shock was HUGE, even though I already had moved to FireFox. Give it 5 minutes and see it... oh boy, will it break make your day. :lol:

There is a special place in hell for those "programmers" who scatter files all over the system folders or anywhere else by that matter except inside the user folders. :evil:


2013-08-29 04:54 »

Arrrggghhh! I just figured out what happened. My Opera preference was somehow set to Identify as Internet Explorer ! Try it your self and refresh a Google Images search page. I have it as a dropdown box on the bottom so I can change it whenever I want to. I must have did it when drunk I mean accidentally.

I cannot believe I get that retard page with that setting.

And yes, you are right there is a very special place in Hell for those guys ...

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2013-08-29 05:35 »

About that Opera setting. It is not found in the preferences anymore from what I can see. But we have had it since the earliest versions in INI files and such.

I just wrote something about this over at MSFN. If you want this option in Opera you can go to Tools > Appearance > Buttons > Preferences and add a dropdown box to any toolbar like I did ( it is very convenient ). This is what mine looks like ...

8ovkspO.jpg (18.51 KiB) Viewed 7279 times

... To use it you just click on it to change the identity and then press F5 to refresh the page ( it re-requests it from the server using the new identity so the server then returns a page based on that identity if the page author used browser sniffing to send different pages ).

That was the whole thing here. Having it set to "Internet Explorer" screwed up both YouTube and Google Images.

If you're using Opera, after adding this option you can experiment at will. I still don't understand the reason for the radically different pages though.

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2013-08-29 14:00 »

CharlotteTheHarlot wrote:...I still don't understand the reason for the radically different pages though.

Maybe they want IE users to havea shitty experience. hahha... :lol:

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2013-08-29 16:19 »

Holy hell that wiring ! Its invitation to death !

The Chrompera is a piece of excrement...

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