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2021-01-14 00:35 »

Will this sp work with CZ version?
Omg i just hope that my CD version is really SE (it says so)

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2021-01-14 03:03 »

Never tried it on a different language. Backup your system and try it and report back.


2021-01-14 06:22 »

Will do but may take up awhile, i'm putting all the parts tgthr and maaaan, it really is not easy task.. ps/2 kb and mouse, problem (got it new finally).. ide drive, prob.. bought ssd sata 120gb.. floppy-uhoh, nowhere to buy, just externals.. sigh.. so i have to improvize alot
So the price is not finally a problem 😁😁😁


2021-01-14 23:42 »

A few questions if i may..
1.Does it come with usb driver flash support? And if yes, should i delete all usb periferals (devices) in device man. and reboot?
2.Should i go step by step and install dx9.0c first, then the rest or i can install all i want in single session?
3.That thing with internet explorer update, should i bother with it or should i go with opera or FF?
4.Kernel ex - does it have some glitches? Would i be able to run, say, a game that's for win7?


2021-01-24 16:31 »

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2021-01-24 16:31 »

Might want to check out this false positive from Windows Defender. :wink:

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2021-01-25 01:10 »

MrMateczko wrote:
2021-01-24 16:31
No need to use imgur, you can attach files here. I uploaded it for you here, however.

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2021-01-27 01:35 »

MrMateczko wrote:
2021-01-24 16:31
Might want to check out this false positive from Windows Defender. :wink:
As far as I know, the files hosted here are all safe. No one here will bother to contact Microsoft and beg them for false positive removal. Microsoft can fuck right off. It is not our job to do their jobs for them. If you are using a potentially defective product that gives out false positives, it's YOUR problem, not ours. :wave: :lol: :cool:

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Joined: 2013-02-25 18:36

2021-01-27 01:39 »

! wrote:
2021-01-27 01:35
MrMateczko wrote:
2021-01-24 16:31
Might want to check out this false positive from Windows Defender. :wink:
As far as I know, the files hosted here are all safe. No one here will bother to contact Microsoft and beg them for false positive removal. Microsoft can fuck right off. It is not our job to do their jobs for them. If you are using a potentially defective product that gives out false positives, it's YOUR problem, not ours. :wave: :lol: :cool:
I really dislike the mentality of people like you but I should shut up before I end up posting pussy pictures in here and PROBLEMCHYLD kicks my ass. 😋 :razz: :mrgreen:

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